Has anyone experimented with switching the Havana

Has anyone experimented with switching the IC chips that come standard with the MHDT Havana for the PCM56P-K version for example, and if so what was your findings? I am interested/curious in regards to any benifits that may be had in the doing of such. Thank you!!
Yes, it is not the chip model that changes. It is the grade of the same chip. The ones in mine originally were "L" grade. They can be bettered by the "J" grade and the best is the "K" grade. They are the same chip but when they are made they are tested and sorted by performance.
Hi Jd_df,

Also, I found these chips at a couple of other sites including ebay but they are about $17.00 ea. I'd love to get 4 of them for $20.00!

Thanks again,


My previous post prior to the one above did not show up for some reason. I went to (outsource.net,) but it sends me to a different website (outsourcetelecom.com) instead and it doesn't look like this company would sell chips. Is this the correct company? Like I said above, I did find the chips a couple of places at $20.00 each.
I just got the K grade versions got a noticeable improvement in clarity and cohesiveness.

I got them here for $13.59 each + shipping + tax:

No soldering required!
Thanks Eugene81 for the info. I just ordered a set and am looking forward to trying them out.
