Who makes a good CD recorder?

Who makes a good or decent CD recorder? I am interested in making compilation CD's to sit back and listen to on my new Bryston BCD-1 player. In the past there were a number of CD recorders on the market. NAD made a CD recorder but it was only on the market for a year or two. Now there are but a few CD recorders on the market and all are very inexpensive.
On my big rig, yes-unlistenable. The Masterlink makes copies which sound as the original. The inside of a PC is just too noisey (..and I have an outboard Lacie burner, shunyata power cable, line conditioner, etc...). JUst my experience with my gear. Sounds ok in the car but not on the stats.
I have a Sony RCDW 500C that is currently availiable brand new at Amazon for $223 including shipping. I make compilations and put LP's on CD with great results. I also burn CD's on my computer and find that better for some circumstances (like track volume leveling and editing) but for most instances the Sony stand alone burner sounds better. And yes, you do need to use Music CDR's with the Sony.
Unfortunately the Masterlink is listed at B&H as discontinued. Sweetwater.com lists it as out of stock but expected to be in stock shortly. Not sure how much confidence I would have in that.

Here are some other pro-oriented recorders offered at B&H, including a couple of Tascams:


Not sure if you are just interested in compiling tracks directly from cd, working entirely in the digital domain, or if you will be digitizing analog signals. If the latter, I would suggest using a high quality compact flash recorder, then transferring into a computer via firewire or usb (depending on which interface the recorder provides), or via cf card reader.

If you want a really top-notch cf recorder, and are willing to spend $1875, I would suggest the Sound Devices 702:



Numerous others are available at B&H for half that amount or less, including models from Marantz, Tascam, Fostex, etc:


For software, I can highly recommend the Sony Sound Forge family, although Audacity and other free programs may be adequate for your purposes.


-- Al
I have had a Sony 500C for about six years and would recommend it as a great stand alone unit. Many complain about the manual, but if one takes their time to review it there is no issue. My other unit is a TDK DA5900, which I use for compilation cds because it allows you to adjust output recording levels +/- 6db digital to digital.