OPPO BDP-83 audio output question

Hi. I'm interested in the OPPO as an all-in-one digital transport. For HT use, I have to run the 5.1 analog outputs, as my pre/pro doesn't have HDMI. For 2 channel use, however, I plan to use the HDMI out to feed an HDMI audio de-embedder to in turn feed my DAC. Will the OPPO support both analog and HDMI audio outputs simultaneously? Thanks.
Slanski62, I know the question is directed toward the BDP-83. However, the BDP-83SE is an entirely different animal with a much better chipset. I have ordered the Nuforce edition and I think it will probably beat my Reimyo.
I would like to see a "de-embedder" that will output coax/optical from multichannel SACD/DVD-A other than the Meridian HD621 which works only with Meridian processors. There are some others which are, officially, illegal. I have one. ;-)

I've been using the NuForce Edition BDP-83 for about three weeks. Thank goodness I didn't purchase one of those costly universal players, or several stand alone disc players. Yes NF SE is that good. I betcha plenty of highfalutin disc players will be hitting the used market soon enough because Oppo SE and NF SE.
Byegolly, can you give us more info and what you've been able to compare it to?
With all due respect, I'll pass on attempting a review. I'll let others better qualified submit their impressions. Sorry to titillate the fence sitters & then bow-out on the details.