CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?

I am considering a stereo system with either a Luxman (D-06 or DU-08) or Esoteric X-05 CD player.

Any thoughts on how Luxman compares to Esoteric?


Luxman , if you or your system wants a softer, smoother, more soulful sound . Esoteric if detail and Impact are paramount .
Hi Toronto416,

I don't know how much this will help but...I spent a year auditioning every one box player I could either get into my own home or could spend some serious time listening to in store.

The X-05 found it's way onto a short list that included the Mac MCD-500 and the Audio Research CD7. The list had included an Ayre player but I was not a fan of the overly detailed high frequencies.

I purchased the MCD-500, preferring it to the others mentioned, I just found it more musical overall.

Since then I have had the chance to listen to the Luxman D-06 and the M-800a amp...and I would now find the decision easy if I were doing it again - the Luxman D-06 would be in my home.

Good luck.
Biggy79 ... Your dealer is doing something wrong with the input .... If it's a 24/96 going in it'll show "96" on the display. I have a Lux D-05 and the two digital inputs work flawlessly.
I too am now having the dilemma.

Esoteric K-01 or the Luxman D-08. Or perhaps a Audio Note DAC and transport combo...
I am in the process of buying the Luxman D-08 but I'm waiting for my new home purchase to close which will be in several weeks. I was down to Luxman, Accuphase or Esoteric. The D-08 has all the dynamics and detail of the Esoteric and the warmth and richness of the Accuphase. What the Luxman D-06 and D-08 have over the Accuphase and Esoteric is a remarkable lens shutter that works like a shutter in a camera. The shutter closes over the lens and completely seals it when a disc is removed, and opens when you load a disc. You will never have to clean the lens since the shutter prevents dirt and dust getting onto the lens. Thats as good as it gets.