Sub $500 CDP

I'm one of these people, who economically have to watch their budget (big time), as I don't make the same money as I used to. In the recent months I've had to sale both my NAD C542 and my Jolida JD-100 (that one "broke my heart"). Anyway, I'm left with a 90's era Onkyo DX-C540 changer which is "alright" (btw, for those you who might be wanting to recommend a DAC, do realize the only digital output on that player is an "opitical" one). But nevertheless, I want something better, something that will get me somewhere close to what I was getting with my NAD C542 and Jolida JD-100. Now the thing is, this will probably be my last CDP purchase, so I'm not really interested in buying used. So what's new out there, that's worth a listen (and maybe a purchase) in the sub $500 catagory? I'm not an audiophile, but someone who enjoys hearing music that sounds well. I guess what I'm asking for is a player, that you might recommend to your non-audiophile friends, that wanted a good sounding player.
Have you considered getting a DAC with an optical input? There are several for sale here (none of them mine). I think you can do better with a DAC than a dedicated CDP. I have not heard the Cambridge but it is well reviewed, has USB (for the future) as well as coaxial and optical, balanced and under $500 even with a digital cable and ICs. There are others as well. Once I went with a DAC, I won't go back to a stand-alone CDP. Some even have headphone outputs. USB allows any computer to play Pandora, internet radio, and stored music. A less expensive alternative is the excellent Oppo Digital 980 ($180) which is an excellent sounding universal player and even the new Blu-ray player ($500) which are very versatile. Good luck in your quest!
if you have a computer and use itunes, etc. consider a used Logitech Squeezebox music server around $150, and a used dac for around $300, perhaps Red Wine Audio, MDHT, Audio Note kit, or Lite Ah. You will have fun, and be in a good place if you ever want to upgrade the dac. It is way convenient, too. Cheers,
You could put this on your audition list:
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