OPPO 83 and Benchmark DAC 1

Anyone has used Benchmark DAC 1 with OPPO Bluray 83? Kindly share your opinions if they are good match on audio. thanks!

In response, I think this forum is to provide additional information, experience and insight, and not simply provide one word or two word replies such as "good", "not good", etc. Hence my reply, which also included the comment that the DAC1 sounds excellent with cheaper transports, which is what the Oppo is. So, my reply did address the original post.

For Brianmrgrarcom, agreed that different systems may produce different results, and that factors other than the transports themselves may account for this difference. In my case, and in my set up, there were no factors other than the transports that were changed. And, no way did the Oppo, Sony, and also a Teac, sound anywhere near as good as the Mark Levinson. Many others have reported similar experience. Sorry if no one likes to hear that, but it doesn't detract from the Oppo being a good unit for the price.
Sorry if no one likes to hear that...
I have no problem hearing this, what I am alluding to is that the differences you heard "may" not have been heard using a different DAC or the like.
Oppo 83 is only a $500 player, I would not expect it to perform anything above that. Its video is excellent, for that price, esp. bluray. Its SACD is very good, but its CD is below average (again, within that price expectation). My question is whether Benchmark DAC 1 can do some good to the CD audio of Oppo 83? Or, there is another DAC near the price range of DAC 1 that will work better with Oppo 83? thanks for all your comments, esp. those who have auditioned Oppo with other DACs.
Al the DACs are generaly similar at this price and w/ this transort so I'd pick the one with the features you need, and stop chasing the carrot at the end of the stick. You will be happy with the upgrade with anything by a Benchmark, Lavry, PS Audio, etc.
Ykk, I have not used the pieces you are inquiring about, but the performance of the Oppo and DAC1 should definately be better than the Oppo alone. (I am assuming the Oppo player in question has a COAX or Toslink output.)

As for there being better DAC's, this will always be subjective, but the DAC1 is well thought of by many. When looking into a DAC, just be sure the DAC reclocks the signal.