TRL 595 Discussion Died Years Ago

Just wondering what 2008-9 opinions might be about the player.
Good point. Sometimes there's just nothing else to say. I, on the other hand, have a new toy and want to talk about it. Thank you for indulging me.

The mystery is proprietary information. I guess they feel like they developed something special and, by all rights, do not want to share what they are doing. I heard it had to do with their high dollar equipment and applying what they learned tweaking it. Paul also told me they use microscopes to get to what would otherwise be inaccessable.
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IMHO for those that don't have extensive experience in circuit design and pretend they have an answer or answers to the mysteries yet to be truly discovered in getting it exactly right, we have the neysayers,like TVAD. Here we have an enthusiast who has a part time job hanging out on this site, dolling out dubious info at best. Check out his response history it's in the thousands. Then we have TRL a verified 35 year vet of an original tube circuit , manufacturing the finest 800 watt tube amps ever made, bar none. Nobody to date has been able to copy any of his proprietary circuits . The bonified engineers have tried with no luck . Has TRL had it's anomolies absolutely. Is it in the mainstream reviewer circuit, like Krell, Pass, Jadis, MBL, Cary and the rest ? No way Jose' some experienced seasoned philes are trying to pass on the good word and our good friend TVAD wants to tear it apart and get the details of the latest. How many manufacturer's have copyied RCA tubed circuits over the years? The copy cats and vultures will steal your heart and soul in a nano second. Tvad wants details for 750.00 when he got details for thousands on a Denon 3910 that the vendor went awol without the coutesy of a post card. TRL is a phone call away with real reliable cust service. Talk about bizarro it could be TVAD! Is TRL the best on the planet, that always remains to be seen. There will always be the pros and cons depending on the reason for the season :)
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There is nothing new under the sun. While I have not heard TRL, I am skeptical of modders who fail to disclose methods. The aftermarket is small and it is futile to struggle over crumbs; the best ideas are more likely to be ignored than copied. Awhile back someone sent me detailed photos of the botched work of a well-known modder(who shall remain nameless) who similarly shrouds his work in secrecy. Buyer beware.