Furutech NCF Power Vault

Hot off the press, the new Furutech NCF Power Vault:



The few times that heard power conditioning demonstrated I really couldn’t detect any improvement—and perhaps the opposite. YMMV


I’m also eager to know about it, but its too early to make review about it! All i can say, Furutech products are incredibly impressive, and i have almost all their AC line!

I have two of their distributors, e-TP609e and e-TP309e, both incredible neutral for the source gear and the signal as well, no restriction for dynamic range at all.   They might be on the bright side but far from muffles at the same time, which later is very important. To resolve the brightness, i add four to five AudioMagic CE Generators to both distributors, and this create significant amount of depth, relax, and warm.

My best guess, the Vault will be great with more improvements.

Worth to mention, Furutech very wise when they decide not to use filtration in their distributors. Every time i tried these filtrations (including Flux 50) they make my system sound incredible worse!