sending signal wireless from Mac to DAC- whats the best way ?

I have DAC that takes optical, coax , single post and USB Mini inputs, how can I send signal from Mac iTunes to the DAC? best way, not necessarily  cheapest way.

Airport Extreme does not support it, Apple TV has HDMI output so I cant use it, what to do ??





So Analog/Optical Audio Jack works 2 ways, as analog directly to the preamp with split adaptor or as digital/optical via optical to the DAC, is that correct ?

Now, rest is simple, question is if you can see your DAC as peripheral in your sound management of your MAC or you see AirPort Express ?

Express Output:

I thought it was odd too.  Either as analog or optical mini Toslink out.  I have no idea if it could be split out to both analog and optical.  

I noticed the Airport Express as an "Airplay" device, as an option for sound output. The DAC was not visible on the list.    

Example Here:






idea is there I will explore that route for sure.  I actually started it already and dump it since I used wrong airport device