Noob question about streaming . . .

Okay, I’m not exactly a Luddite, but my audio journey started in the 70’s with Marantz separates, JBL speakers and a Dual turntable. Thaw about thirty years ago I got into home theater, with Parasound separates and four Bose 901s (no haters please — they work well for watching movies). 

Anyway, my Parasound AV preamp died, and I replaced it with a Marantz AV7706 preamp. I’m starting to explore its capabilities, which are light years beyond the old Parasound unit. I’m also exploring using it for music listening in addition to home theater, but streaming is new to me.  (I’m also exploring new speakers, but that’s a discussion for another day). 

So, with that background, here are my questions. I’m using the HEOS in the Marantz to stream music through Spotify, which I’ve used in my car for several years. Would a separate streamer be a significant improvement over what I have now?  My understanding is the Marantz’ built in DAC is good enough that I don’t need a separate DAC, unless I’m going to spend big money on one, which I’m not inclined to do right now (speakers first). Second, would a streaming service like Roon or Qubuz or Tidal provide significantly better music quality?  Spotify provides access to all the music I want, but I do realize that it’s limited in terms of sound quality. Help educate this old dinosaur. Thanks!


My second system is my Marantz 7704 going into a NAD M25 7 channel amp into Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. I use HEOS to play tidal. I think it’s amazing. I would say spend the money on a nice used power cord on the preamp. Puritan makes a classic power cord for $200 brand new. A long time ago I put a Nordost Blue Heaven power cord. It made a huge difference. Even an Audio Quest NRG can be nice. I would put my home theater system against a lot of two channel systems. HEOS is good, the DAC in the Marantz is good, and the services are good. If it doesn’t sound good start at the wall. 

Marantz AVR user here. I use mine as a pre-amp and stream Spotify and Radio Paradise via HEOS as well. I bought the Cambridge CXN V2 a year ago to see if it would be an improvement over the Marantz DAC. It has better detailing and sound stage when playing my digital library of FLAC files and as the DAC for my CD transport. I use the CXN when I'm doing critical/focused listening but default to using the Marantz & its HEOS app when I'm using Spotify to stream music through out the house.

I think if you have higher-res digital sources a separate DAC may be worth having in the system and for critical listening but for casual listening of Spotify premium, I think the Marantz will serve you well. 

The nice thing about the Marantz AVR is having the Audessey software to do room correction. Which I never thought  I'd take advantage of but do. 

It’s Amazon unlimited music for me.. I had Spotify for a couple of years but they don’t do ultra high res then I tried Tidal, the music was tissier which made it appear like there was more information but there wasn’t..Amazon does 24-bit high res and then my opinion sounds better than both and you can catch a break on it if you have Amazon prime

I am new to streaming as well except for the use of an Amazon echo device through a vintage system. I just purchased the WiiM pro plus streamer and I am using it with a Peachtree Nova 150 driving Thiel 1.6 speakers. I know I am just dipping my toe in the world of streaming, but it sounds significantly better than what I had been hearing before….the WiiM is super easy to use and their app makes playing music extremely simple for this spaz when it comes to technology. The WiiM app will connect with Tidal or other music providers and can all be played and or controlled through the app.

Side question, when not in use, do you power off the streamer?

I haven’t read all the threads after the first dozen or so, but my take:

1) Wiim is a great bargain, but it at best will be a lateral move from HEOS, and probably worse

2) Spotify refuses to adopt High Resolution streaming.  Any of the the other services mentioned would be an upgrade.  I personally had a bad Qobuz experience when trying to use it in my car so I would caution switching to them (and their Customer Service is a joke).  You can improve Spotify if you get a Streamer with Spotify Connect .

My advice is if you are going to use Spotify stay with HEOS but perhaps investigate Spotify Connect