Has anyone actually heard the Dali Epikore 11? Impressions welcome.

I don't get to audio shows often but once long ago I had heard the Dali Helicon 400 and it was truly amazing. Has anyone out there in audio land actually heard the Dali Epikore 11. It looks impressive for the price.

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I got to hear my reference playlist on them and was very impressed.  They really do it all with no apparent effort.  I don’t get that from the other top speakers I have heard, which include comparable models from B&W, Focal, and Wilson. Right now they are the all-round winner for me.  I have not heard a more seamlessly integrated multi-way moving coil loudspeaker…ever.  Nothing stands out, everything is in balance, with dynamics and liveness intact.

I have the Kef Blades at home and listening to the Epikore 11’s, both speakers driven with quality Mac components. I found the Dali’s to have better mid-upper bass that filled out the mids and richened up the sound a bit. The bass is full and articulate, better than the Kore at least in the bass we hear more than feel and resolution is there without being dry because of that awesome midrange. I don’t shop in the $60k loudspeaker price range, but they are musical, played with dynamics using only a watt or 2 of Mac watts and those typically dry digital recordings sounded pretty good. I might compare them to dynaudio with better resolution, but it’s been 20 years since I listened to the Dyn’s. The Epikore 11 should be on everyones demo list just to hear what great speakers are supposed to do right. fanboy

i have a pair made in 2020, so originals. Mine are powered by a c49 and pair of Mc611's and I don't hear any reason to change.