Which Esoteric amp?


I am considering upgrading my power amp from a Bryston 4B3 (2x300 W) to an Esoteric amp.  My speakers are PMC fact 12s, which have a sensitivity of 84dB.

I am trying out the S05, which is class A and is rated at 2x30 W.  I prefer it to the Bryston, and it manages to produce sufficient volume.  It runs very hot and the oak shelf above it becomes uncomfortable to touch.

As the S02 is 2x145 W, I was thinking that would be the one to go for given the low sensitivity of the speakers.  My hi-fi dealer, who had an S05 in stock, proposed I listen to that one to hear the “house sound”.  On paper, the S02 and the S05 are quite different, the S02 being A/B.

Has anyone compared these amps, or is familiar with one of them?  I would be grateful for any impressions. 

Does the S02 run very hot as well?  Esoteric recommends leaving  8” above either amp.  In my rack, that would be impossible.  The space for the amp is just over 10” at the moment and could just about be increased by another 4”.  The rack is open at the sides and back.  The S05 is 7.5” high, which would produce a 6.5” gap, the S02 is 8.5” high, leaving a 5.5” gap.  I assume Esoteric is playing safe when stating what the gap should be, and a slightly smaller gap will not result in instant disaster.  Still, I am worried about the amp overheating or the shelf warping.

A possible solution would be to put the amp on the top shelf.  This would not be optimal for the speaker cables but would certainly provide sufficient air space.

I would be grateful for any advice.


If the S02 is class a/b, there is no way it will run as hot as their Class A amp.