At what point do you...

buy new vs used/open box/refurbished/demo, etc? I know this is all cost based relative but just curious where you draw the line and go brand new. For example, online retailer x has a brand new power cable for $499. They also have the exact same power cable (same length) on an open box for $449. Worth it to save the $50 or do you just go brand new? Or would you just always go for the less costly alternative because saving $ is saving $?


I have been wanting to get some consistency with my subs, currently I have a LaSpada 10AWG power cable on sub 1 and a Signal Cable Magic Power cable on sub 2. I also see there is a couple of open box Audioquest NRG4 power cables available for $30ea off already discounted brand new ones. I’m thinking of pulling the trigger on the NRG4’s and saving an additional $60 on the pair and using these on my SVS SB4000’s...


In some cases you can save significantly by going other than new but then not so much in other cases. I know this is extremely subjective and relative but just wondering how all of you decide when to just go brand new...again just curious how you all decide which direction to go...


If you're buying things that cannot wear out, open box or used is much preferable. Buying something with a ridiculously high profit margin when new is bad money management (buying a $400+ power cable or any other cable is just silly whether new or used).

Post removed 

@ellajeanelle   I see your point but commence sense prevails.  I don't buy Mustangs from motor-heads, rather Mercedes from retirees.  You can never be 100% protected but neither does buying anything new guarantee there won't be a defect.  I'm going through that very thing right now with a Hegel H30 amp.  Still hoping to have the  situation resolved to my satisfaction.  Cheers.

bigtwin Best of luck resolving your amplifier problem.
Since you mentioned it, I bought a used SL 550 from an elderly retiree in Palm Springs, CA. a few years ago, and only because they had stopped making that model and it was the last year that it was produced and could no longer be found new. I thought it would be a safe purchase since he was the original owner, retiree and elderly. Long story short, it required multiple trips to the dealer and a lot of inconvenience and time on my end to get it up to par. It wasn’t worth the hassle to me. I traded it in for a new model shortly thereafter.
I guess my point is that the older one gets the more important time becomes, and I prefer to not to chance wasting it if I can avoid it and buy new.  Now in my late 50's my time has become more important than saving money, but I also don't waste it.

Hello, I really feel you could be spending your money better elsewhere like on room treatments. I know power cables make a difference. I have Straightwire Black Thunders on my two JL Audio subs. I actually heard a difference not only from the stock cables, which the recommended using but also some other nice guage cables. It just seamed like the sub was more accurately followed the front two speakers. 
mid this is for home theater then I would definitely not waste my money since the surround preamplifier actually controls the sub including the timing. I’m pretty sure SVS has some nice software that goes with their subs. Maybe just recalibrate the speakers. $500 is a good chunk of change to spend on subwoofer power cords before you correct some of the issues in the room. First reflection points, bass control for corners, and stuff like that. As a worst case scenario upgrade your power cord on your steamer, DAC, and transport. Especially since those items are usually not tunable. I hope this helps.