Handling Heavy Amps

There are several amps I’m interested in possibly purchasing but I’m dissuaded because of their weight. I’ve had lower back issues so I need to be careful. I live alone. Even if my wife was still alive she would not have been able to help much. Also Children live far. I see that many of you have these 60-100 pound behemoths and I wonder how do you manage. If I buy from my dealer he’ll load it in my SUV. However when I get home it will be difficult to get it out and onto the garage floor where I can place it on my handcart. Then when I get it next to my rack I need to maneuver it out of the box and up onto the rack. I guess I would need to see if my dealer would deliver it and place it on the rack. Probably for a fee. So that may work. But then if I need to paint, move furniture, resell the unit whatever I would need help. I think I can handle up to 40lbs. So how do you handle these amps? Is it a concern for you?  I’m spoiled by my Benchmark 12 lb AHB2. It’s also the reason I’ve been investigating Class D amps. 



Thanks. The Ayre I need to check out. Don’t need an integrated. I have the Benchmark HPA4 and just bought an MSB Discrete DAC.  I’m also considering the Bryston 3B3 (35lbs)and the CODA 5.5 Class A (45lbs). 

@jfrmusic Well, let us know if you do go for the Bryston.  I bet that would be a great match & I'd be curious about how it works in your system.

Ayre makes discrete power amps, of course.  But they're a lot pricier than the integrated (the DAC module is optional).


@jfrmusic   Have you considered buying one of the new Class D amps?  People on this site claim they are excellent and you sound like the perfect candidate for the light weight that comes with Class D.