Streaming for Dummies

I just upgraded my 2 channel system with some decent components, and now feel the need to start streaming my music. My problem is that I am a complete luddite when it comes to the subject so I need help. My reservations begin with my internet service which really sucks. I live in a rural area and the “best” service provider offers DSL which we have but it’s very slow, compared to our previous provider Spectrum. Our town is on the list to have fiber optical internet in the near future. Should I wait for the fiber? My wife and son stream their tv programming and that can get spotty at times when bandwidth is taxed. I’m afraid my streaming of music will really create havoc in the household. Is Starlink on a separate network a viable option for music streaming? So, am I completely off base here or are my concerns valid?
Thanks in advance!

My equipment includes a Rogue Cronus Dark, Heresy lV’s, Oppo Blueray player.




Fantastic information. I’m the type that doesn’t like to wait either, so I’m going to do some experimenting

Do remember you get what you pay for. I have owned streamers from $200 to $22K and, in general, they incrementally sound better the more you invest. They are like every other piece of audio equipment. They need to be carefully chosen and of equivalent quality to the rest of your gear to get the most out of it. That is not to say one cannot play with an inexpensive streamer… but it’s not going to sound like a good one. I seem to always end up,with all components (streamer, DAC, phono stage, preamp… ) around the same investment level in the end.

"an inexpensive streamer… but it’s not going to sound like a good one. I seem to always end up,with all components (streamer, DAC, phono stage, preamp… ) around the same investment level in the end."

So true... those are key audio components and generally the more expensive the better (cables not included). But the OP can definitely "enjoy" his listening time with the Wiim. No doubt about it

See what "What Hi Fi" and Steve Guttenberg recommend. Both are highly reputable sources.