Modding the PS Audio Directstream DAC MK1 and MK2

I would like to continue discussing all the mods we have created for these two DAC's as it seems PS Audio is no longer allowing discussions about them on their forum.

For reference here is a link to the closed discussion.


I don't have an inferiority complex, and I easily admit when I was wrong.


Ted Smith has called me out for not knowing what I was talking about and wrongly assuming circuits and design AS MANY TIMES as he called you out [or any other (proactive) modder] on the PS Audio forum. It's a trial and error method.

And it doesn't make me wrong in the design of my Vocm mod.

Post removed 

Can we purchase APS stickers like the ones shown above? You installed the Vocm and your nickel APS transformers. I do not consider it a DS anymore and would like to have a way of showing. Sent same message on your website.

Hello Guys.

Has anyone used silver bearing conductive adhesive instead of solder for the caps  with the Vocm mod?

There are some very low resistive ones to chose from and easy to apply without the danger overheating the SMD. Durability does not seem to be a factor according to the manufactures data sheet.The adhesives are not cheap but neither is a new board.My most concern is with sound quality.


Thanks .