Modding the PS Audio Directstream DAC MK1 and MK2

I would like to continue discussing all the mods we have created for these two DAC's as it seems PS Audio is no longer allowing discussions about them on their forum.

For reference here is a link to the closed discussion.


Showing 8 responses by antony_s0s

Oh, I just realized, it's not APS transformers less sensitive to power supplies. It's Vocm mod makes any transformers less sensitive to power supplies.

But, anyway, I can still hear the difference between power supplies, power cords, and interconnects. 

If you haven’t heard 4400 with a GOOD power supply unit (PSU), then you haven’t heard their full potential.

With GOOD PSU (not cheap Chinese stuff), the sound improvement from 4400 without PSU -> to -> 4400 with PSU was much bigger than 4400 w/PSU -> APS transformers w/PSU AND VOCM MOD.

I can’t say anything about sound improvements when 4400 swapped with APS WITHOUT PSU mod

I didn't say there's no difference. There is. It's just my experience: power supply mod brought more changes than swapping 4400 with APS even WITH Vocm mod. 

The most of the things people described as APS transformers change in the sound: tight and beefy low end, melodic mids, and nimble highs - all these changes did my power supply mod after I installed the 4400 transformers. And APS transformers just tightened and cleaned up the same ALMOST perfect sound signature that I had with 4400 w/PSU before. Now, with APS transformers, it's perfect. 


Shame on me, I haven't done the Vocm mod before I swapped the 4400 with APS transformers... I  wish I could discern the Vcom mod impact on the sound. 

I don't have an inferiority complex, and I easily admit when I was wrong.


Ted Smith has called me out for not knowing what I was talking about and wrongly assuming circuits and design AS MANY TIMES as he called you out [or any other (proactive) modder] on the PS Audio forum. It's a trial and error method.

And it doesn't make me wrong in the design of my Vocm mod.

Thanks George for the support. Yes, this is a complicated design with sandwich using different types of capacitors to cover wider frequency range. The electrolytic capacitors here literally have no legs at all so no parasitic inductance added. 

And support eliminates microphonics. 



Also, my audiophile friend and I (both with APS and full list of modifications)  prefer Windom over all versions of Snowmass FW. 

Windom sounds like multibit DAC, Snowmass is like a good delta-sigma.

Finally, JKRichards admitted that for the DirectStream DAC to sound good, it’s not enough just to swap the transformers and do the simple Vocm mod. You need a good power supply for the analog board.


People on the PS Audio forum (including myself) already installed these power supplies 2-3 years ago. And previously, you, Jeff, argued with me that you could NOT hear the difference with the additional power supply vs. without.


Now, waiting [another 2 years?] for you to admit that the stock power supply needs to be modified for all these mods to really showcase their best. Because the stock awful noisy power supply is still there in your "Signature plus" version.


Here's a free business idea for you. Modify the stock power supply and you will have a Statement version, that you could offer for the price of a new DirectStream MkII .

I might know the same about shortcomings of the stock power supply or maybe even more than you. Imagine that! But we won’t find out because I won’t share with you, so you can’t sell a $10 mod for $1000 (just a random number as an example).


You measured and found it not noisy. LOL Tell it Amirm ( who measured DirectStream DAC a long time ago.


Come on, man, the stock power supply uses a SINGLE ML317 in simplistic configuration to feed the whole input board plus display and processor board (one cheap integrated circuit serves them all). And this is the foundation of your statement DAC? LOL


I didn’t overlook anything. Because I rebuild the whole power supply ground up. Only the toroidal transformer and heat sinks remain from the stock power supply.


Your original APS transformers with my complicated Vocm mod really showcase the difference with the additional power supply vs. without it. I don’t know, but it could be your simple / cheap Vocm mod that didn’t allow you to hear the difference in your modified DAC.



Yes, I did the same withTurboTK. I told him that he is wasting his really brilliant ideas when he uses this stock power supply as is.