No-one talks about Rowlands anymore

It's Pass all over the place. Is Rowland going down big time or terribly and expensively up?
+10 for the class “D”  venture. 
    They lost their market.  Jeff rowland a once massive high end company is now a class D company. 
   Blah meh. Boring
I had a fellow a'phile over for a listening session yesterday. I was using just my Rowland 8T modded by Jeff. My tube amps were not active. I think the sound was still as great as ever and the amp was just easy on the ears. I really like the model 8T because not only is it incredibly solid and reliable, but it is still, at least IME, amongst the SOTA in ss designs. 
Jeff Rowland's gear really are heirloom pieces, IMHO.

I first heard Rowland at the '96 CES. The equipment was tied to large, multi-driver, multi-column panels(not Infinity or Genesis)in a very large room.

This was and is, the most relaxing room I have ever heard💯! 

I had nearly all Jeff Rowland preamps and phono stages over the years, and some years ago bought as an icing on the cake after my long Jeff Rowland history the phenomenal Daemon integrated, complete with phono and DAC, and with the later generation Pascal Class D amps.

This is a fantastic unit, the sound is not much different to the big and outstanding class A and A/B products, and a completely different level than earlier ICE Class D concepts. The phonostage is astonishing good, but the DAC is the most interesting part. Some say, this is on the level of the separate Aeris DAC.