Contemporary Classical Composers - new discoveries

I’ll start with my most recent discovery…Valentin Silvestrov. I’ve been going thru some of this Ukrainian composer’s work and I have to say I’m impressed.
Highly recommend to check out the following albums a starting point…

What are some of your favorites?


This topic is right up my alley!

The vast majority of classical music I listen to is from post 1950's, up through the present era. Although I love the 2nd Viennese School: Schoenberg, Berg, Webern.

I tend to like the 'thorny' sounding stuff, so, YMMV with my recommendations.

One of my favorite composers is Elliott Carter.

But: Charles Wuorinen, Bruno Maderna, Joan Tower, Stefan Wolpe, George Perle, Unsuk Chin, Olga Neuwirth, Roger Sessions, and others are also high on my list.


I'll start with a great Carter piece.



This is a great thread and very timely for me as well, as I am trying to expand my listening of more contemporary (living or at least mid/late 20th or 21st century) composers. A few that have been playing in my space recently:

Gabriela Lena Frank (first heard at Chicago Symphony), Alberto Ginastera, Per Nørgård, Mieczysław Weinberg, Henri Dutilleux, Stephen Hough, Rebecca Clarke, and Missy Mazzoli

I'll be checking out some of the others from this thread as well. Thanks for all of this.


The OP has confined his query to currently living composers, which eliminates a lot of composers recommended here.  I guess Jennifer Higdon or Lowell Lieberman come to mind, though neither get my pulse racing