"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


It is very simple. materialism , especially today is becoming a religion especially after this worldview has been ontologically discarded , it maintain his grip on mind as a technological cult ...Today called transhumanism ...

And most people had no idea of what is science , think about doctors trained by Rockfeller education seized and controlled after the Flexner report ...Some even think that science is a consensus, think about the way some scientific communicator advocated for unscientific measures in the last 4 years because of a "corporate designed consensus" ...

Add to that by education most people have no idea what is a spiritual life , they dont think that our perception doing science observation can be transformed in "exact imaginative perception" (Goethe words as the perception of the dynamic of forms in projective geometry for example or the understanding of poetry and of language itself ); they dont know that what we perceive is already conditioned by our metaphysical concepts , be it materialism or creative one, then they reduce any wholeness and depth to his usable apparent parts...And they sell them as solutions...

They were perfect technological workers for corporate powers who anyway today controls all the main aspects of life ...

This was such that the word "philosopher of nature" were replaced by the word "scientist" , the description of a free thinker aimed at the understanding of the wholeness was replaced by the name of a mind now conditioned by details, specialization and the parts for which he will be paid to study ...The word "nature" was banished as are banished today the word "man" and "woman " in their biological and spiritual meanings ...

All this begin OFFICIALLY in 1833 at a reunion of the British society for the advancement of science, when Charles Babbage the creator of the first computer and a geologist too decided with Charles Lyell the geologist and others to replace the old fashion word "philosopher of nature" by the new word "scientist"... Replacing then the free spirit individual searching for knowledge and truth by a specialized paid workers compelled to serve for the British corporations dominating the world... Think about the doctors slave status now as demonstrated in the last three years ?

Goethe predicted it two years before in 1831 with the publication of his completed masterpiece, Faust, , describing among other trends all this HUBRIS and demonic totalitarism of the paper money and the greed behind all that in ONE play...Faust from " free philosopher of nature " became, guided and possessed by Mephisto, a paid worker "scientist" for the Kings and even solve as economist their money problem creating it with debt based paper money ...( a swiss economist, Binswanger , even wrote a book about the genius of Goethe here)

We live today the concluding phase...the Frankenstein phase described long ago by a woman with great intuition...The big corporations at this moment worked for a hybridation of living cell and A.I. agency ... And they work no more for the replacement of the "philosopher of Nature " by a slave "scientist" paid worker educated by them , but for a replacement of useless "stupid" humans by machines...All science fiction books are like chivalry novels at the times of Cervantes mocking them with his Quixotte, outdated by the actual historical reality because " mostly realized" or in the course of realization ...

Art is not only mere leisure, art is rooted intuition, inspiration and imagination..Each artist is way more than a "scientist" he is a seer and always as Aristotle , Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael-Angelo, Archimedes , Goethe , Vernadsky in Russia and Charles Sanders Peirce in US and many others were, "a free philosopher of Nature" too a name where art and science conjugated together ...Not only a mere "scientist" as a specialized unfree paid workers for big corporations directly or indirectly ...



«Bach is part of nature because the growing of a tree from a seed is a melodic line with a counterpoint »-- Anonymus musician and gardener reading the plant morphology of Goethe


A very big mystery is how some people can get so worked up about it.

Then as you can see the way some people reacted against spirit or any non materialist perspective is not a mystery but a simple historical enigma solved easily if we can retrace the roots of the programmation of minds in history itself  ... This is not complotism, this is history meanings...Convergence of interest by growing corporations and narrowing of the mind coming with hubris for power and greed explain almost all ...It is different today because there is no more democracy only an oligarchy but it is not the place to discuss it ..😊


Dylan has said he has "no idea" where his 60’s material came from. In the same interview, he implies they came from "somewhere else". Keith Richards, whom few would characterize as a "mystic", has said something to the effect that songs are "in the air" -- the idea being that the attentive/attuned artist "downloads" or "channels" them. if this is true, whatever/wherever the source of songs might be, it would appear to have a much larger capacity than any single human. Speaking of prolific composers, I wonder what Duke Ellington might've said on this topic

I wonder what Duke Ellington might’ve said on this topic

He has, he has told this story before about how especially between gigs on a train, plane and in cars he was always writing/creating news songs on any kind of paper he could find even napkins!


Any creator working with himself know very well that his works to do well must increase his consciousness level from day to day consciousness to another level b-c-d- etc to create something "inspired" not necessarily by an alien entity but by himself from another higher consciousness vantage point ...

Even mathematicians know this as any painter or any poet or musicians composer or not ....

No need to appeal to channelling here even if it exist ...Greatest creations are not so much usually channelling, as instead elevated consciousness level and communication or merging with the part of ourself more higher called the " higher self" by Jung or yes for sure in some case speaking in sleep or in lucid dream with the "daimon" which is another guiding entity so named by Jung also as it was by Plato ...

Some music and meditation in silence practices are precisely complementary ways to forgot the day to day self to embrass our higher self ...

Then only sleepwalking people can think that there is no mysteries in sound experience...Why music can be so powerful in healing technic for medecine ? Placebo effect yes for sure , any wise doctor must use it , but more than that contacting the healer by excellence : the higher self ...

Ask Edgar Cayce did in America not long ago ...A demonstrated non fraudulent health worker for free with 15,000 thousand medical advices from a non educated person as was Cayce ...


Now try to debunk this miraculous healer from Germany after the second world war , i wish you good luck 😊:

Bruno Groning is a VERIFIED case of miraculous healing on thousand of case for NO MONEY ...



Miracles and mysteries are everywhere and facts are facts yes , but any fact cover a depeer layers in it we must also look at into ...

And why not debunking this yogi of fire, i wish you good luck too 😊 :



Even simple water is a complete mysteries even now...Only ignorant materialist sleepwalker dont know that because they are hipnotized by  some technology success  but way less by real science probing mysteries at the frontiers of the unknown  .. :




Wisdom is way more than just knowledge, knowledge is way more than just science, and science is way more than just technology ...

Only ignorance confuse and conflate these 4 concepts...

I just present some facts about fire and water miracles or mysteries , what about air and earth miracles or mysteries now ? 😊






..Greatest creations are not so much usually channelling, as instead elevated consciousness level and communication or merging with the part of ourself more higher called the " higher self" 

I suppose, for those who otherwise have no awareness of a "higher self" , the act of connecting with it during creative expression may be interpreted as contacting something "outside" one's self.