New classe delta preamp and classe stereo amp?

Was wondering your thoughts on the newer Classe preamp and stereo amp combo vs something like the Accuphase E5000 integrated? Does anyone own this classe combo? It will be driving my older B&W 804S speakers and a rel t7x sub. I used to own the older classe cp500 and ca2200 amp. I have the E5000 right now and it sounds great, but just thinking of going back to seperates. Just a thought and some advice. I know the new classe is made in japan now. Thanks


@fredrik222 With regard to racks, have you checked out Salamander?

Modular Open Stands | Pro Audio Racks | Pro Audio Acces - Salamander Designs

I've got one of their Synergy modular racks without any front, side or back panels and this works quite well with my McIntosh integrated.  My MAC doesn't have a fan and, frankly, stays quite cool to the touch, even after many hours of duty but MAC recommends good ventilation.  Even with a glass front panel, dust will always find a way, if you know what I mean.  If you kept it covered when not in use, you could still remove the cover and watch the meters dance around when the music is playing.

Another thought:  is your amp positioned in proximity to a back wall?  Since the fan exhausts to the rear of the casework, any chance what you're hearing is actually the fan pushing air up against a back wall that is too close and not fan noise itself?  The shop I was in when I spent time with this amp had it on a rather tall rack, as I indicated in my initial post, and the wall behind it was probably a good 3' away.  Of course, I didn't know it had a fan at the time and, as such, wasn't making a point of listening for that sort of thing.  However, I was close enough to this beast and spent more than a few minutes eyeing and coveting it without noticing any fan noise at all.  Maybe dust accumulation on the fan?  I know this is nitpicking but just trying to help.  Bottom line:  If ya can't hear it when the music's playing; ain't a problem!

Enjoy!  Go play some music!

I own the Delta monos and the older mode ampsl.  Love them both.  I drive my Wilson Alexx V's with the Delta's. Fan noise is a myth.  Very reliable.  I will say when my HVAC system comes on I can hear that.  Highly recommended.

@skinzy Thanks, I used to have the older CA2200 & CP500 and loved them. Just got bored and wanted to try something new. Glad the new stuff is great too.