Stereo or monoblocks

I recently bought a pair of the JBL HDI-3800 speakers. I also own a McIntosh C-2300 preamp. Should I buy a used McIntosh mc402 stereo power amp or try to find a pair of a different brands monoblocks? The new Schiit Tyr has my interest.


So I'm at a crossroads... I presently have two tube monoblock amps that can act as separate integrated amps (80wpc/8o). I feel like I'm losing some of the value since I'm paying for an integrated amp, but only using one amps features. I do like the sound, but I'm wondering if two 8k integrated amps paired in mono would out shine a 18k integrated amp built specifically that way from the ground up?

So if price being equal, but one is a integrated that can act as a mono amp, would it outshine a dedicated equally priced (in principal more expensive) stereo amp?


So you have two integrated amps. You are using one as an integrated and the amp as a monoblocks… you are only using the second as a mono amplifier?


Ok, with nearly 100% certainty that is not optimal use of funds. First integrated amps are a compromise by putting so much circuitry in a small footprint. Then buying duplicate preamps… then bridging… yes, that is not optimal from any point of view.


I would skip the integrated if you have room. Optimal would be something like a $8K preamp (personally I would get a used Audio Research Reference) and a $10K stereo amplifier. That should be a huge upgrade. 

Late to this post, but I'm running a pair of mono Schiit Aegir's to power my LS50 Metas and I love the sound. 

Using a Parasound P7 preamp for both it's multi channel capability and it's balanced outputs.

I initially had one Aegir, but it just wasn't enough to power the Metas so I bought another and I'm glad I did.

I also have a pair of small REL subs to give some more heft to the bottom end, but even without those the sound is very nice.