
I have a brother-in-law, retired Navy, who is interested in a nostalgia system.  When he served in in Pacific in the 80's they could get great deals on Sansui equipment and is of the opinion that Sansui was top of the line.  He asked me what I would get but I'm clueless about 80's receivers.  I doubt that he wants separates.  I'd greatly appreciate hearing your opinions.  My brother-in-law is partial to Sansui, but should I suggest something else?  He's got good ears even though he's not an audiophile.  Thanks.

Ag insider logo xs@2xtreepmeyer

I think Sansui was also the importer for JBL to Japan starting 1968/69. 😎


@whart +2

I had a Sansui integrated in the late 70s/early 80s. I wish I could recall the model. Anyway, it was fine. I did eventually move to an Onkyo A10, which seemed to be a clear upgrade. I ocassionally get the urge to fine another A10, but then common sense prevails.

I’ve got a g-9000 receiver and I love it. I also love the people that tell you that you’ll overpay for vintage equipment. Check out the prices for the new equipment.

the sky’s the limit. My sansui receiver, dahlquist 20 speakers, pioneer pl 518 turntable is just fine, thank you.

Steve Girko

I sold Sansui in 1970. The 5000 was the top receiver - 55 wpc; good FM section and we had very, very few returns/failures. In the Army, I bought a Sansui 7000 receiver (Sansui 7000 on the Mainland). Liked it a great deal. Used it with AR-2ax speakers. 

I still have my first piece of high end gear from 1973, a Sansui AU 9500.  I had it re-capped quite a few years back but only listened to it once.  It's been sitting there ever since.  It was top of the Sansui line coming in at 75 WPC, 20 to 20000, 4 to 16 ohm.  A good 50 lbs.  I'm gonna pull that thing out of storage tomorrow and take a listen.