Major innovative break through: The new NSMT Loudspeakers reference speaker

In the next two weeks my Stereo Times review on the new NSMT Loudspeakers reference System Two will be posted. I wanted to give a heads-up to the GON members because I consider the System Two, which is composed of the Clairvoyant Monitor and SUB-DUO active band-pass subwoofer platforms to be a revolutionary break through both in performance and retail price $15,985. For example I compare the NSMT System Two to a great speaker, the Stenheim Alumine Five SE Dynamic Loudspeaker, and found the NSMT System Two to be superior in it's performance. Punch line- The Stenheim Alumine retails for $72,000! For all the details of why I came to the above conclusions take a look at the review when it is posted. 

Terry London (Teajay)


In the last few days I had two guests over to listen to the NSMT System Two speakers. Both are seasoned audiophiles with vast experiences with top notch equipment and systems. Kirby, who also is a bass musician, was taken aback with the total performance of the System Two's overall performance and also felt that from the lower midrange to the deepest bass frequencies was the best he had heard in a system regarding pressurizing the listening space with accurate bass with correct timbres/tonality.

My other guest Nick, was very familiar with the sound of my system and was wondering if the System Two speakers could significantly out perform the NSMT 100 speakers. He was amazed at the level of improvement that the System Two's delivered over the Model 100 speakers. We both agreed that the Model 100s are still great speakers, but not approaching the higher level of performance delivered by the new NSMT design.

Hello, Jayctoy why don't you come over to hear the System Two speakers. You are more then welcome, so are other GON members, it would be great to see you again.


I visited Terry at his home last weekend and got to hear the Clairvoyant speaker with the larger NSMT Bass Foundation active Band-Pass subwoofers and they made a difference in the over sound stage. The system is just fracking amazing on all aspects we care about in audiophile world. Great job Erol.


Hello gentlemen,

Wanted to share that at the Capital Audio fest later this month NSMT Loudspeaker will be showing the System Two speakers. I was informed that the upstream equipment will be provided by Mike Kay (Audio Archon), a NSMT retailer, and will replicate my reference system that Erol described in an earlier post. The preamplifier/DAC is the SPL Director and the amplifier is the single chassis SPL S1200. Besides, the obvious difference between the acoustic space, I use a Reimyo Tuko DAC and a SPL Elector pure preamplifier which does not have an internal DAC. 

So, I hope you attending the show will visit the NSMT room. I'm confident that you will immensely enjoy what you hear, now that I know what gear is driving the NSMT System Two speakers. Please post what your opinion is after you visit the room when you have a chance. Enjoy the show! 

Thanks, Teajay (Terry London)

“The value, quality, or truth of something must be judged based on direct experience - or on its results.” Join us at Capital Audio Fest in Washington DC, Room 641, November 10 -12.