Mirage M7si bass bump how to deal with it?/

I have a pair of Mirage M7si speakers which are very good but have a bass bump that is hard to get rid of via the usual methods The speakers were reviewed in Stereophile and received very high marks but the reviewer had the same issue. Should I try stuffing the ports a little?? I know this helped with a pair of Polk LS 90s that were very bass heavy,. thanks
I am comparing the Mirage units to Def tech BP 20s and Infinity Kappa 7.1 series II (very impressive also)
Good advice above. Decouple them from the floor for starters, then play around with distance from the rear wall. You'll be amazed at the difference this makes. Start from three or more feet out (woofer to wall) which should tame the lower bass, then move them in incrementally until you like the sound. These appear to be very bass heavy speakers judging from the Stereophile measurements.
I must have not been very clear I did the usual things I worked in the audio biz and I know what to try and do. Spikes ,cables, gear. Solid core helps a little but then you lose other things. It is there no mater what One came tame it but not get rid of it. They HAVE a bass bump Look at the Stereophile review They tried to get rid of it, NO dice I am trying to think outside the box alittle
Newer Oval 9 wires Tried bi oval 12 WORSE AQ Midnight better but still there and lost other things ICs AP Old Copper Ovasl new Copper oval Solo Crystal
Gear Yamaha CR 2040 GREAT VINTAGE unit Sounds better then many seperates, marantz PM 17 MKII Marnatz PM 8003 Sony STR 7065 Rotel RB 990 and 995 (Better) but still there Rotel RA 1070 strange unit.

The problem even shows in the measurments
Hmmm. I'd just pass on them if you've tried everything. Sounds like the bass is a deal breaker. That graph was showing an 8db hump between 40 and 100 which is ridiculous in my opinion and suggests some bizarre design decisions. There are better speakers out there. Lots of them.
If you really want to alter the frequency curve, then use an parametric equalizer.
It does not sound as bad as it looks and the speakers are very impressive I tried a marantz PM 8003 and that has pretty tight bass which helps Not sure if it is enough yet.