What is your most fond musical memory.

One that makes you yearn for the ‘good old days.’

Mine took place in 1970. My grandparents were going on a world tour and I had their whole house to myself for 2 months. Alone at last!. I was 16. First thing I did was set up my audio system. Then I turned down the lights and put on the just released Grand Funk “Closer to Home’ album. I thought I was in heaven when ‘I’m your Captain’ came on. 10 minutes of Pure Bliss. To this day I get the tingles whenever I play that song.



My best friend told me she once (in New Jersey) went to sort of battle of the bands in a high school auditorium. Don't know the year. She was leaning on the stage watching among other bands, Black Sabbath before their first album came out.

Do I dare tell my most fond musical memory. Nah, y’all wouldn’t believe me anyway. 

This would have to be Vladimir Horowitz. Chicago, 198...5, 6?

I can't remember the reason I would be in Chicago at that time.  Was not just for his concert.  Chicago Consumer Electronics Show is summer.  Why would I be there in the fall? 

Sade 1993 tour in Long Beach New York.

Stuart Matthewman from the band invited me to the concert and went to the concert with my then girlfriend on a first serious date (future wife). It was a magical balmy outdoor concert and we still talk about it often.

I was house Dj at Area, studio 54 and many other clubs and have seen countless bands of late 70’s and 80’s (pretty much all of the bands of that era multiple times) and that was a special evening.


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