CDP's being dumped for hard drive driven units?

I may be mistaken but the past few weeks (months?) it seems some darn nice cdp's have appeared in the classifieds, at prices that are more and more attractive. Is it a sign of the economy, or are more 'philes moving to a hard drive music server? I don't know the answer, probably no one does but is this a trend noticed by others?
I went with a Squeezebox3 and Benchmark DAC, and do enjoy it but it doesn't come close to either redbook or SACD on my Esoteric. (I even bought a Lacie Firewire CD burner for my PC to get the best possible rips). I am eying a higher end dac (Esoteric or the Berkley) for the squeezebox but won't get rid of my esoteric. The SB3 is a convenience thing - the esoteric is a "I want to really listen and have my mind blown thing" - kind of like playing vinyl.
Bailed out of a Wadia 861se GNSC statement for a MusicVault/Modwright Transporter combo....and never have looked back for one moment.
In the 80's I built an entire classical music collection from the LP's people were dumping in exchange for CD's. Now I'm building an entire CD and SACD collection from the silver discs people are dumping in exchange for hard drive systems. I'm sure glad people feel compelled to move on to the next big thing.
Very Interesting, but the answers are all over the place. No consensus obviously, but I guess I'll keep looking for that Emm or ARC CD7 at a price I can afford for the time being.