C.d player with built in Pre amps i.e Wadia

Just wondering what manufacture's make a CD player that uses a digtal volume control, so you can connect straight to the poweramp? is it a better way to go if you dont have any other need for a Pre-amp, currently using a passlabs X01? I only realy know of Wadia and the Opus 21, what else is out there.
To clarify my prior response, I have the GNSC modded Opus 21 as well and its a wonderful CDP. When I first got it, I used it as a pre and it did an admirable job; however, inserting a pre into my system really allowed the Opus to do its job as a CDP. The sound stage opened up, etc. Again, this is all system dependent. You have to consider input/output impedences, gain requirements, etc., just as you would in selecting any pre. In MY system a separate pre works better. In yours, using a CDP as your pre may work wonderfully. You will just have to experiment.
Krell made the KPS 25sc which was a pre amp and a CD player and its a fantastic unit. It has a Anolouge vol control and complete pre amp functions!