Esoteric X-03 does it kill the DV-50 in cd quality

I am going to buy either a X-03 or DV-50 to use with BAT 31SE, Levinson 436's and B&W 802's'. Will the X-03 offer way more than the DV-50 in 2 channel cd running all balanced?
I would appreciate some input as to the differences if someone has had the chance to hear both players in the same system.
Yes in my opinion, I heard both, but not together, DV50 was a little forward sounding in my system, but still very good. X03 sounded very detailed and nice but another system. Another step up in my opinion. I would do X03.


I have had both in my system and while the DV50 was very good, the X03SE took it to another level. There was no comparison.
I have owned both, and while the DV-50 is an excellent unit, there is a substantial difference between the two players. The X-03 provides a more solid image, and fleshes out the midrange with more detail and presence; and there is considerably more 'air' with the X-03. In terms of musicality, there is no comparison. If you have only a single system for A/V, and to save on the budget, you can use the DV-50...but if you have two separate systems, go for the X-03, and get a separate blu-ray player. You will end up with no compromises in audio OR video.