Tannoy Westminster’s Audition?


Greetings all. I’m searching for someone who lives (hopefully) within a day’s drive from me (28694), who owns Tannoy Westminster GR OW speakers, and who would be willing to let me come listen to them. My wonderful wife likes their appearance (big sigh of relief 😉), but I want to hear a broken in pair without having to fly across the country to Upscale Audio in Los Angeles before I make the investment. I essentially live in BugFuck rural Appalachia, very close to where the NC/VA/TN state lines intersect.😎


A potential closer suggestion.

Contact Jim Smith, a well know system and set up consultant ("Get Better Sound").  He lives near Atlanta and previously used Tannoy Canterbury SEs in his main system.  He may know of any Westminster owners in the southeastern US you might contact.

@lloyd1969 That's each.

For $27,000 you should really come out to upscale audio and audition them properly

Had a similar issue even living in Chicago. I’d recently got Autograph Minis for my beftop

 and was smitten so wanted to hear a bigger Tannoy to compare with my Rockport Atria ii’s.  I drove to Glenn Poor’s in Champagne Urbana. They had the GRF’s which somehow didn’t do it for me.  Upscale suggested that the Kensington GRs had a closer sound signature to the Minis.  So I booked a flight.  Glad I did. Nothing like a live audition.  They blew me away and I decided to get them. A week before pulling the trigger my local dealer got a mint 3 yr trade in so I went that way as saved nearly half. Upscale still got a sale from my visit as I purchased a Pathos Heritage integrated from them.  

Congratulations. Kensingtons are my dream speaker. Beautifully proportioned and classic looks. Would look silly in the basement but someday I may move.

You really ought to audition them before making any purchase decision.

They are notoriously (and surprisingly, in regard of their high sensitivity) difficult to drive. They can sound "slow" and "ponderous" with the wrong amp.

Big Tannoys (GRF? I think) were the worst sounding system during the last show I attended here in Brussels. Nasal tonality and the sound was locked in the speaker cone with no openess or real soundstage. Still I'm sure they are great speakers but just aren't easy to set-up and "bring to life". Obviously something was wrong.