Wadia 170i and Benchmark Dac1 - anyone try it?

I noticed that some Agon members have replaced their CD player with the new Wadia 170i and a dac. I've been look for a transport for my Dac1 to replace the DVD player I'm currently using. I've demoed some CD players acting as transports to the Dac1 and have definitely noticed an improvement in sound especially in the bass over my five year old DVD player. Interestingly my new Sony 350 Blu ray player sounded much worse as a transport (coax) than the cheap Dvd player which cost one fifth as much.

Any feedback on the new Wadia 170i (as compared to other transports) would be welcomed.
My question is why would people want to use an ipod doc instead of their computer as a transport?
I "guess" suggested answers are, simplicity/comfort level and kowledge.
Simplicity/comfort: Using the 170 is basically using a piece of audio gear just as we have always been accustomed too.
Knowledge: Using a PC seems like a daunting task, though I believe it is getting easier all the time. Furturemore, not everyone has their computer in close proximaty to their stereo, nor want it there.

I'm looking for anyone who's had experience with the Wadio 170i (good or bad

Before the introduction of the 170 I was intrigued by the idea of a hard drive based system. Once I read about the 170 I was sold, I liked the simplicity of it all.

Having had my 170 for many months now, which I am using with a PS Audio Dac III (w Cullen mods), I have no regrets! Furthermore, going this route caused me to purchased an iPod, as I didn't have one; I really like owning one.

IMO, if you purchased one and weren't happy with the results, I'd look at the DAC, not the Wadia/iPod. The reviews in TAS and Stereophile mirrored my results.
Brian, thanks for the feedback on the Wadia 170. Looking at the components in your system I'm sure you'd be able to identify any weakness in this transport.

I also have never owned a portable music player. I considered trying something like the Squeezebox but am concerned about some of the issues Agons members have mentioned. I'd also would rather not deal with computer driven audio if the Ipod capcity is sufficient.

I was thinking of doing exactly what you are doing above. S350 into Benchmark. Can you tell us more about your settings? Are you forcing 2-channel downmix? Have you verified what is being sent in terms of 16/44.1 or 24/96 and all that? I am very curious about this.

Theoretically, as someone else mentions, if you have 16/44.1 or 24/96 on a disk and play it through the Benchmark it should sound exactly like the same file from an IPod or hard drive.
With regard to using the Sony 350 Blu ray player as a transport, yes I have tried all of the different audio settings. I currently using the Optical output from the Sony Blu ray to the Benchmark Dac1 just so I can get 2.1 for movies. I have the Coax output from my old Dvd player (Cardas digital 15 cable) going to the Dac1 and it sounds much better for music.

I've tried both the Coax and Optical output from the Sony Blu ray to the Dac1 and I've tried changing the Audio settings. The Sony 350 Blu ray used as a transport sounds flat, unfocused, and just sounds bad as compared to my old Dvd player or a Cd player. If you have better luck using the Sony 350 Blu ray then let me know what you did with the settings.

Any other feedback on the Wadia 170 transport is welcomed.