Did my preamp short kill my Mark Levinson amps and Infinity Beta servo ?

My solid state preamp ( prefer not to name as maybe I am completely wrong in my thinking) that without warning developed a short in the right channel output due to some type of "leak" killl my wonderful vintage system?  Both ML No23 amps and the Infinity Beta bass crossover servo unit all stopped working - non of which had any external fuses blow.

I am able to get my  high end preamp fixed by the maker, but living in rual Minnesota makes it basically impossible to find a place that can look at all my other now non-functioning equipment.   (No lightening strikes and everything on high quality heavy duty line conditioners that did not trip).  The Infinity Beta servo is the unit I really hope to save because those speakers are mint and my wife actually accepts them.  Anyone know who might service that piece?


Update on saving the betas:     PS Audio no longer works on the IRS Servo controller, however "magicmarksy"  (ebay name) is someone to contact for work on this unit....and by the looks of what he has refurbished and lists for sale, a definite high end vintge Infinity system go-to guy.

I currently added in two NHT SW3 passive subs with seperate amp and crossover to use along with the midrange and tweeter ribbons columns and it sounds OK, but really want to save those woofer columns and servo unit.


... I am thinking the servo unit is the damaged bad actor ... massively loud "bark" once servo turns on with two different amps...

That is normal. The servo should be powered up (and the servo circuit synced) before the amplifiers are powered on.

Tried that....with two different power amps, once of which had a volume control i could slowly turned up output before trouble.   Same loud ...and I mean weapon of mass destruction loud...even blew off the dust cap on the servo wired woofer....with same results.

I had both sequentially....and simultaneously.....  turned on the servo unit and amp for 25 years and nothing like this ever happened.   Infinity warns of this horrible output if the servo feedback not working properly.

I will get the servo fixed as well has hopefully find someone to test the active woofers before hooking it all back together.

@jerry_b2 I had that issue with my Betas before.  Change the switch on the back of the Servo controller to 0.  I also had custom (shorter) control cables made.

They work great.

I want to update one of my Servo Controllers but have not found a suitable shop.

Thanks.  Will look into that.....however, the servo unit was given a clean bill of health as it worked in another beta set up with no issues.  It might be something bad happened to the one servo-controlled/feedback woofer in one of the columns as the horrible noise only came from one side.   The dust cap was blown off that woofer.