What's the point of reviewing?

What’s up with anyone’s opinion good or worse, unless we have identical equipment and acoustic spaces, it’s mute.


Call me either a sucker or a fool, but for my past couple purchases I’ve just relied on mail-ordering from a couple of SoCal stores where I bought quality stuff before I moved to the oh-so-lovely-but-high-end-bereft wilderness. I must say, though, that I’ve never enjoyed listening to my stereo so much. Is it the better electricity you get in a rural clime?

Have you ever experienced listening to the same component in a different system and having it sound completely different?

Plus the room is 80% of what you hear. When that sank in, I gave up reviewing.



I did these experiments and it is my opinion...


It is why reviews dont have meanings in a singular way at all..

There is only meanings in  statistical analysis of all reviews on each separate acoustic factors...

Have you ever experienced listening to the same component in a different system and having it sound completely different?

Plus the room is 80% of what you hear. When that sank in, I gave up reviewing.