What's the point of reviewing?

What’s up with anyone’s opinion good or worse, unless we have identical equipment and acoustic spaces, it’s mute.


Showing 3 responses by edcyn

You read a review. The reviewer makes a convincing case as to whether the component under review might be something that'll match your taste, give your system new life and altogether enhance your listening pleasure. The component is within your budget...or just slightly beyond it. You buy the thing. You connect it up and listen for a couple days. Does it indeed increase your pleasure? Is it breaking in and sounding a bit better as the days go by? If so, yeah! You're a happy guy or gal!

Call me either a sucker or a fool, but for my past couple purchases I’ve just relied on mail-ordering from a couple of SoCal stores where I bought quality stuff before I moved to the oh-so-lovely-but-high-end-bereft wilderness. I must say, though, that I’ve never enjoyed listening to my stereo so much. Is it the better electricity you get in a rural clime?


The grammatical error is simply a typo. Minor slip ups like these are common and eminently forgivable, especially if you are posting from a handheld device, It doesn’t help that, hey, sometimes your eyes just blur...