Dennis Had Inspire PSE 300B WOW!!!

Hi All... Yesterday I received my Dennis Had Inspire PSE 300B. My wife and I spent the evening last night listening and "we" really like it which surprised me since over the years I have compared numerous amps to my trusty Coincident 300B monoblocks and all have... until now... come up substantially short of the Coincidents. Now this puts me in a difficult position as my wife has had quite a lot of medical testing lately and with the associated financial pressures, I had intended to take a quick listen to the PSE 300B to satisfy mu curiosity then pass along and recover the costs to address the medical bills. Now, clearly that is not going to happen and the Coincidents will be listed for sale over the weekend.

By the way thanks Dennis, You Da Man!

My system (photos attached) is as follows:
Power - Shunyata Denali
Streamer - Innuos Mini Mk3 w/ PSU
Dac - Holo May-KTE
Pre - Sachs Custom Line
Amp1 - *** Dennis Had Inspire PSE 300B *** (horns)
Amp2 - Crown XLS 1500 (base drivers)
Horns - BD-Design Orphean w/ Celestion Axi-2050 drivers 220Hz-20KHz
Base - BD-Design Compact Reference
Sub - SVS 16-Ultra


I read your review on the Audio Afficianado forum. Happy you’re experiencing great things with Inspire amps. Great looking speakers too!!!

Hi @tinear123,

I am a DIY person. So for me is very interesting to know how this great amplifier is built.

Can you give me some more information? What is the input and the driver tubes are used?



@tinear123 do you still have the Dennis Had PSE 300B?  Been looking into that same amp or his inspire 300b. 

@c_cocobean Yes, I continue to use the 300B-PSE.  It really is quite good.  The power supply & driver circuit is very different to the Inspire-300B and of course has twice the power not that I needed the power with my very sensitive horn speakers.  My only small complaint would be I would have put it in a larger chassis as the current one is very tightly packed and does get hot.  From a sound perspective I love it.  By far the best 300B or frankly any amp I have ever owned noting that I have had some heavy hitters at significantly higher prices.

@tinear123 happy to hear you are enjoying the amp. I may pull the trigger on one. If you decide you'd want to move yours, reach out, I'd be happy to purchase. All the best!