Furutech FP-TCS31 With FI-28 (R) Better than Virtual Dynamics Nite II Cord? Please Help

I need some advice and hope there are folks here who own Virtual Dynamics Nite II power cords and have compared them with Furutech TSC31 with matching plugs.

Currently I have all my best costly cords ($2k+) on all my critical equipment, amp and DAC. I just bought a power conditioner and am currently using the VD Nite II cord between the wall outlet and power conditioner. Perhaps I am imagining things but I suspect the VD Nite II may be limiting the potential of the system. I suspect a better cord such as the Furutech TCS31 will sound better than the VD Nite II.

I compared my Acrolink 8N-PC8100 and 7N-PC9700 to the Virtual Dynamics Nite II and the Acrolink cords made the VD cord sound unrefined with a less smoother and composed sound. The Acrolink top of the line cords are very good but they are costly. I don’t intend to spend so much for a power cord that will connect the wall outlet to the power conditioner so the Furutech is considered for the replacement of the VD. However, I hope the Furutech will sound better than the Virtual Dynamics cord that I am currently using.

The VD Nite II costs $700 MSRP back in the day if I’m not mistaken. The Furutech TSC31 with the matching plugs will cost twice of that.

Any advice would be appreciated.




Still a believer and loving occ wire.Did a cable with newer stuff and didnt do it for me...I am curious about the dps 4.1 stuff though and have heard lot of +++.Just ran in power conditioner cable with 28 R... I am using them on cd player as well.Power cable for amp has 50 ncf and thats a done deal...The audioharma is proving to be a very usefull tool.Cables potential fully realized the little 28’s sound awesome.

furutech wire with 28-50’s...400-600 + burn easily.

Thanks for the responses. Looks like I will need to spend the money. FI-50 NCF is considerably more money but will attempt to stretch my budget and go for it.

Settled with the Fi-28 (R) to warm up to the Furutech sound. Will try the FI-50 (R) NCF in the future if I feel the itch. I will only have the time to install the cable and listen this weekend. I do hope it will meet my expectations / sounding better than the VD Nite II.



Nice...i think youll be quite pleased..."after 400-500 hrs".😉 Wire maybe a little more than that.

Thanks digsmithd. When I first connected the cable and listened, it is not good. The sound quality is worse than the VD cord. The treble was rolled off and everything sounded warm and bunched up together, lacking clarity and detail. I am aware the wait will be rather long as I went through the painful exercise with the Furutech GTX-D NCF about 400 hours, maybe longer. I am confident the long wait will be well worth it.