McIntosh to Luxman?

Hey everybody. I need some advice.  It's fair to say I've lusted over Luxman equipment for a few years now.  Something about Japanese hifi that just gets me. Anyway, one of the online retailers of new and used equipment has a Luxman L-507uX (not the mark ii) for sale.  I do really like the sound from my hybrid MA252 integrated, and it drives my Maggie 1.7s with ease.  Most of my listening is of the streaming variety (Bludesound Node/Qobuz), and some vinyl (Music Hall MMF-5). 

Here's my question: what will the Luxman bring me that the McIntosh isn't providing?   More refinement?  More authoritative bass? Better soundstaging?  If the answer is yes, then I may pull the trigger on the Luxman.  By the way, I can get a nice trade-in on my McIntosh, so my out-of-pocket won't be too bad.    Please weigh-in if you've had both McIntosh and Luxman gear and what your experience with both brands has been.   Thanks in advance!   ~ Jerry


This is their latest and best the 507Z  my friend bought  one and got a very fair deal 

from Perrotta Consultants  ,these new models have a better layout and sound even better weighs around56 pounds ,very well done ,retail $9500 but he got a nice deal.

I think he got the very good AQ Thunder power cord with it which retail  is over $1k together for under the retail price, if you needed a new top power cord.

I would try the Luxman, I bet you will keep it.

Return shipping Cost: it’s no loss, if you keep it, you have to send them the McIntosh. Keep the McIntosh, return the Luxman, Soooo it isn’t any more cost to try it.

I’ve got a Luxman, 10 wpc tube amp in my Office System. My 1st and only Luxman. Except for price, I wholeheartedly recommend it, and, over time, you forget the price. You are simply not aware of it, just the wonderful involving music.

It has built in MM/MC Phono, I’m using it’s MM with my AT440ml MM cartridge, also quite happy with that part of it. Just to say, I’m happy with all aspects of my Luxman.

Now playing my restored AR-2ax, sensitivity 91.5.

Previously played the least efficient 87db speakers I own, Wharfedale Diamond 225.

As reviewers say, it seems to have plenty of reserve power, yes it does, it drove the inefficient Wharfedale’s with more volume than I want/need. Perhaps ’extra power’ is true of the Luxman you are considering, I suspect so.


I had McIntosh Mc2250 SS 250 wpc in main system when I was using my JSE Infinite Slope Model II’s, 4 way sensitivity 90db. I played with more volume in that larger space, and my current at the time 30 wpc tube amps seemed underpowered. I have to agree, it was more like a muscle car, impressive, yet not as invisibly involving.

I went back to highly efficient horns/15" woofer and switched back to tubes, sold the MC2250, don’t miss it one bit.

IF the Luxman had 16 ohm taps, like my Cayin A88T does (22 or 45 wpc) I am sure the Luxman could drive my main system wonderfully. Cayin is also invisibly involving, which is simply magic when that quality exists.



Again, everyone, thanks for your feedback.  It's much appreciated.   

@caphill ...yeah, a new streamer would be next on my list. I guess at the moment,  I'm smitten with the Luxman amp. 

@woots ...thanks for the recommendation 

@audioman58...super cool integrated, and if I had an extra $6k laying around, I'd probably go that route.  I forgot to mention in my post, I want to stay in the $2k-$3k range, out-of-pocket.  Trading in my hybrid McIntosh gets me there. 

@soix...I like your attitude.  Just go for it!   

I'll keep you all updated.  Have a great day!  ~ Jerry 



I did the switch and even a side-by-side comparaison and Luxman was my favorite no questions asked

The Mac: C712 + MC7100

The Luxman: L-509X

The Mac was from the 90's so not a fair comparaison, but there were separate.

The Lux is much more detailled with a wide soudnstage. The voices were crisp and so clear, you can almost smell the breath of the signer!

The Mac has slighly more bass, but not as clean as the Lux. Th overall sound was warmer.

In the end, it is very different sound and it's a matter of personal preferences. And not all Max/Lux sound the same.