Modding the PS Audio Directstream DAC MK1 and MK2

I would like to continue discussing all the mods we have created for these two DAC's as it seems PS Audio is no longer allowing discussions about them on their forum.

For reference here is a link to the closed discussion.

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First pair of APS audio nickel transformers for the NEW Directstream DAC MK2.


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Sent my DS1 analog board for modification today. After re-visiting the 5000+ post thread pretty excited about this mod. Interesting to see the evolution of mods. Folks were really pleased with the results of Encore XS4400 (used in MK2) and Lundahl xformer, but designing xformer for this specific application appears to be the way to go. The Vocm mod was also universally loved by those that accomplished. Glad I came upon this and look forward to listening to the results.