DAC Compatible with PS Audio SACD Transport

I have the PS Audio SACD transport on order. The ideal matching DAC to connect the PSA SACD transport is the just released PS Audio Direct Stream DAC II. But at USD8K, the price makes it seem like a bridge too far. Therefore I am looking for  another DAC that is compatible with the PSA SACD transport, for SACD playback via I2S. I am eyeing the Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC as it is reported to be an excellent DAC and is substantially cheaper than the PSA DAC. 

Are there any other DACs that you can recommend? Or do you think I should bite the bullet and get the PSA SACD DAC?

I must admit to being tempted from time to time, as PSA releases regular DAC updates which essentially gets you a new DAC. But then sanity intrudes LOL. 



Ah! The last laugh is on me. I got the PS Audio Perfect Wave SACD transport today and upon installation I discovered that it could only play CDs and not SACDs. I could not activate the SACD layer. The technician of the distributor tried and he could not do so either. I am so very and utterly disappointed in PS Audio.

Within 4 hours of installation, the SACD transport is on its way back to the dealer. I have of course asked for a replacement. Not sure whether PS Audio will agree. Not sure whether I will get my money back if PS Audio disagrees. Buyer beware indeed. I have a strong suspicion that I will be heading to the Consumer Claims Tribunal in the near term.

With this development and the continuing issues with the PS Audio DAC MKII (read the posts on the PSA forum), I think that I am going to throw in the towel as far as PS Audio goes.

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@dcpillai - Huge bummer.  Going back to our original conversation, is it possible the at the end of the day, you need a current production PSA DAC with the I2S configuration?  The issue you are having is the identical problem I had.  

And granted it is possible that there is a problem with the transport.  That would be the simple outcome.  

I would contact PSA and ask to work with Paul, he will work with you and figure it out.

Hope it works out for you.  Keep us posted.




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