2023 AXPONA Show Report

Here's all the Exhibitors at this year's show  



You all got to hear the all new Mon Acoustic Supermon Isobaric Speakers and Sanctus Cables, they must be heard to be believed ! They will at Booth 646 at this Show !

Who's going to this Show ?


Michael Fremer in the Clarisys Audio Minuets room spinning some Vinyl and he Loved them and he owns some Wilson Audio XVX's !


First time, I was ever been to Axpona and I went yesterday late morning for a couple of hours as that was all I could get away.  I won't go into too much detail, but honestly it was a lot of fun and I saw a lot of pretty neat gear, although a large percentage of it was way out of my budget.  I made a list of the things I wanted to see and do.  I managed to see most everything on my list, though I certainly would have liked at least 4 or 5 hours to really spend the time to really appreciate everything.  I will definitely attend next year.

I would like to see a genuine comparison between a piano and a system playing a recorded piano.

I would guess even the highest end systems would fail this test.

Quad UK had a selling point " QUAD for the closest approach to the original sound" This still has not been achieved 

Kenjit - the room admins have every right not to allow everybody to -lay their own music and I agree with them. Most of the music I have heard in rooms was garbage and it takes forever for the admin to cue up a specific track. 1 clown couldn’t remember which track he wanted to hear so we had to listen to 5 seconds of each track before he got to the track he wanted. Then he wanted to do the same for another album. BS, not enough hours in the day to put up with this. If somebody was really interested in the speakers/equipment, then make an appointment for after hours and play what you want. 99% of the show goers aren’t interested in buying at the show. I’ve never brought music the CES, rmaf, THE Show, Florida expo, and others, I check out each system and if I wanted to pursue something further, I met with them after hours