Old days & steamers vs newer stuff?

Given that there are a ton of variables depending on speakers and other equipment. What are the generalities in comparing? something like...

1) an old blusound node 2i with an ayre codex dac

2) lumin d2 for dac & streamer

3) node 2i with giselli labs dac

Basically,  I'm asking if you think expensive old dac and streamers (lumen, node, ayre codex) still beat out the newer cheaper stuff like denafrips ares, gishelli labs, etc.

I want to improve my setup, but I'm not sure if used older higher end stuff is better than newer mid end stuff.

Quality improvements over time can often yield a newer less expensive product that is superior to older high end items.

Whatcha think in this regard when it comes to dacs and streamers?

Newest tech one can afford, or highest end used stuff one can find?


I am another old guy still trying to figure out the ins and outs of streaming. The ML Unison seems like an incredible deal right now but I read this review and it has me wondering if I have to bypass my outboard DAC in order to get the ARC.  

“This is when the DAC inside Unison comes in. It does its job and it sounds quite good, but don’t expect the performance of a high end DAC. Having a power amplifier, I had to play with the volume from the Play-Fi application and I found it a little hard to get my desired volume, as it’s not very smooth. However, it did its job and it was really easy and convenient to access and to listen to my favorite musicon Tidal. I was wondering if I can use the Optical Input  from the TV to Unison and the Unison to my DAC and still use the ARC correction software, but it didn’t work.”


Looks great. 

I like the BlueOs software but if you can do the Apple play, go for it. 


I have my streamer connected to a DAC. You use the optical/spdif out from the ML Unison to the input of your DAC. Once everything is hooked up THEN run ARC and you are all set. See page 8-9 of the manual. Anything you connect to the Unison inputs (RCA or optical in) will be passed through to your DAC and get the benefit of the ARC room correction. For example you could connect a turntable to the RCA in and a CDP to the optical in and they all will pass through to your DAC if you want via optical out OR you can use the RCA out to your preamp. No matter how you connect it everything will benefit from ARC, Just remember, you have to run ARC after connecting your DAC. That review/article is from 2018, both ARC and Play-Fi have had many software updates since then:



One more thing, DTS Play-Fi whole house audio is da bomb. There have been many updates to the app since it first came out. I have products from Klipsch, Paradigm, Deftech, Martin Logan and Philips throughout the house. Most of them were purchased on sale like the Unison. If you are going to add additional rooms to your system let me know and I'll post some updates.