GR Research/ Jays iyagi speaker cable blind test

Curious on your thoughts of this video. Thanks


My issue with this test is the vast difference in cable gauges.

16 vs what appears to be much larger. I would think you would want to match gauges and then try the test. If the GR cable is say 10 gauge then a ofc stranded cable of same gauge and length should be used,in my opinion. I believe the results would be quite different.






I agree @htaddict. Comparing a $500 to a $2000 cable is more interesting to me and probably more "fair" but the idea is to see if he could choose his own cable vs a cheap one.  I think it says more about the cheap cable than it does about his own cables. 

I thought this was really funny. Based on the original test video.

Just humor not meant to be taken seriously.