U2 Songs of Surrender

Hi All,

Out of curiosity I threw this on over dinner last night and ended up really enjoying it. These are completely new arrangements to songs you already know. Further, the recording quality appears to be top notch, unlike some of their best cuts which I consider very flat and unimpressive recordings.

I’m pretty burned out on this band overall but was impressed by this and suggest everyone with an interest give it a listen.  Curious what others think.  


Just got mine a few little bits ago. I'll not likely be spinning the four discs until Monday, but I'm looking forward to hearing the whole thing. Forty songs!

My copy got here last evening; I just played some the songs I "know" (not in any way the bigger U2 fan), and, for example, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For is stunning! Such enveloping sound. Illustrates why I spent the $ on the components I have here in the main system. Deep and wide, top to bottom, its magnificent!

@rpeluso your impressions match mine.  Seems like there is a lot to dig into with this one....and I only listened on my tube setup! Can't wait to see the detail and imaging downstairs.