Best cheap speaker cables............again

Hello all,
I will apologize in advance for asking this question as it is probably one of the most discussed topics
I am looking for some recommendations for a good single wire speaker cable. I am driving a pair of Vienna Haydn's with a pair of Cary tube mono blocks. My old speakers were bi wired and the Haydn's are not. I can't re terminate my current cables so I'm looking at some new wires. Budget under $300.00 and the runs are about 7 feet long. My initial thoughts have been Morrow, signal cable, AQ type 4, zu mission for new cables, but I am certainly not against buying used.

Sunnyjim, I'm a bit surprised as to why you had a problem contacting DNM. Yes, the site is more complicated than it needs to be....WITHOUT QUESTION! It certainly is a PITA. I put an order in with Denis with no problems whatsoever. When I received my Resolution speaker cables and standard (not HFTN), I had a problem with the interconnects causing a loud "buzzing" sound from the speakers. It was during this time in which I exchanged NUMEROUS emails with Denis personally. In fact, his response time was extremely quick, so again, I am surprised that you are having such a hard time. Try sending an email to Denis personally.
Austin HIFI in Texas used to be the only US dealer I knew of, but I don't think they sell DNM anymore.
Devilboy, Thank you for the advice about DNM. Actually, I received an e-mail from a Mr. Morecroft claiming he sent the information I had requested. I checked my e-mails and junk mail back to the middle of April, and there was no e-mails from him or anyone else associated with this product.

He did say he would resend the information if I could not find it, or has been lost in cyber space. Hopefully, I will hear from him tomorrow. BTW, I don't recall if Morecroft's first name was Denis. Thanks for the reply
The best cheap speaker cable is the in-wall power cable in your house.

Go to any electrical hardware store, buy 10 meters of in-wall copper power cord with single solid core, cut them into two pairs and you have a nice speaker cable.

They will certainly compare favourably with any cable in the market under $300. Remember "single solid core" is vital.
I have to disagree with some of you who feel that solid core power cables will sound as good as or better than an inexpensive pair of AQ speaker cables. I've heard almost all the 'cheap', homemade cables out there over the years and NONE will stand up to an inexpensive pair of AQ cables on a system that reveals anything. I'd love to get together to test it sometime. I agree that some companies, even with BIG names in the industry ruin good music at times. i also feel that cable companies along with Cartridge companies charge way too much for their products, because we let them. That doesn't mean that their products still aren't better than nearly all the homemade stuff out there. JMHO