Small, Effective Subwoofers?

In a recent speaker thread that I started there were lots of suggestions of adding a couple of subwoofers to my system. As with my speakers (Legacy Signature SEs) I have little room to place subwoofers They will need to go directly to the left or directly to the right of the main speakers. To the left the maximum height would be 12". 12’ would be great on the outside as well, but I could squeeze a slightly bigger unit in there. Would two 12" subs be sufficient here, or would they be too small for this set up?

If 12’ is OK, do you all have any reasonably priced suggestions as did @nevada_matt withe his 2-10 offering from Tekton. I would have never found those on my own, thanks Matt!

I would be super open to some used subs as a cost savings measure here.


REL would be a super complementary addition for a 2-channel music system, especially if you can do the Series S (e.g., S510, S812, or Carbon Special). I just added a pair of Carbon Special, and very happy with the result, full integration, deeper bass, better soundstage, fast with the ability to keep up with the bass of the main speakers. I previoulsy had a JL Audio Gotham G213 but it was not great for music, built for home theater.



I should add, I tried base models, I had a very small budget.

Based on your speakers I think you want to add bass that's already there and not bass that's missing. So in some sense, your subs will be competing, unless you set the crossover frequency super low. When I had that competing/overlapping issue, my result was a total mess.

I think your only good option is to put it between the speakers and choose down firing.   

@vonhelmholtz - "to me, your room isn’t useable for serious listening"

Well, that’s depressing.

Now, I’m getting bombarded to SVS ads all over my computer screen!

So, how about instead of subs, go for the same speakers but "Active"?

" your room isn’t useable for serious listening"

if you pull the curtains, move the sofa by the kitchen back 4 feet (temporarily, when you are "in session") you'd be fine. I'd move both speakers to the right, towards the kitchen 10" or so, until the door, and also out from the wall towards the room at least 10". 

You would be slightly better off on the opposite end of the room, where the dining room is, but that would be challenging with all the furniture.