Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?

I'm planning on upgrading my speakers soon and want to go back to Magnepans. I'm considering MG12s but came across nearly new 1.7s on Craigs List for a good price. Problem is, my room is only 10x13x8', but I can do anything I want to it. It already has three bass traps, (two in front corners, one at ceiling wall juncture in back) and 24 1x2' Auralex absorbers spaced around the room. Floor is hardwood with a big think area rug. Anyone put 1.6s or 1.7s in a room of similar size?
@Pc123v- I've been addressing my comments to the OP, when you are the current person of interest. Sorry! Tim- Thanks for the wake up call!
My room is 12 x 12' x 11' high. The 1.7's were too much for this room, too close. I bought the Super MMG system with a Bryston 4BSST2 amp. It's been great.

I do wish I knew the Maggie .7 were coming out, I prob would have gone with those. I do have Mye stands on my MMG's and they sound great.
I have the 1.7 in a 12x15 room they sound amazing I'm driving them with Emotiva xpa-1L mono blocks which seem to be a good match. Currently thinking of 3.7 anyone have any experience with them in a room my size

This may sound unresponsive but any good quality speaker paired with high quality components will sound much much better than mediocre speakers paired with mediocre components. The real question is whether or not these components are delivering their maximum potential in these respective arrangements. I have no doubt I would love the experience if I stuck a pair of Wilson's XXX (fill in the blanks) hooked up to an Audio Research Ref-XXX amp and Ref-X preamp in my basement.... but .....Sorry just could not resist.