Does a after market power cable make a difference on a streamer like lumin U2 mini or U1 mini


Every time someone tells you a PC will not make a difference (it's all 0's and 1's!), they are always wrong. The PC always makes a difference, just a matter of degree. No one can adequately explain the science.  Neal

IME everything makes a difference in the streaming chain.  Many people have gotten considerable improvements by upgrading their streamer’s power supply so that might be something to consider as well.  Best of luck. 

The only answer is to try it yourself. Some people hear a difference, some don't. Don't waste your money because of what someone else says they can hear. 

There are a couple of ways to approach this. One is buy a new cable from a company with a good return policy. Another option is to buy used. If you shop wisely, you can resell it for about what you paid for it. (New cables subsequently sold used take a BIG hit on their price.)