Any one use Grimm MU1 with Aries Cerat Kassandra ?

Hey folks, I just got a Grimm MU1 and I’m going to use it with my Aries Cerat Kassandra. At first I got no sound from my speakers and after taking the Grimm to the dealer, I realised that I had the Grimm was in 4X over sampling mode (Where all reviews say sounds best). MY Kassandra doesn’t accept 174.4 khz with AES/EBU, big bummer. It would play 88.2khs, 2x over sampling. I use that sampling rate and leave the DAC in native resolution. I can also use the MU1 in no oversampling and re-clock that signal in the DAC. I’m worried that I’m missing out on the best that the MU1 has to offer and considering getting a DAC that accepts 4X oversampling. Does anyone have these two components paired, I’d like to hear your input if you do. Thank you


What can the Aries SPDIF accept? The latest Grimm also outputs a reclocked SPDIF signal, perhaps the Aries can use that output at its fullest?

You have to use the USB option to accept higher rates on Kassandra. 
I don’t believe you are missing out as Kassandra can reclock too and it achieves exceedingly good jitter levels. It is one of the most natural sounding and musical DACs I have heard. I would change the streamer and keep the Kassandra, if it were me. But I have only heard Grimm Mu1 at a dealer so not much experience personally

I am just want to tell you that some general advice. It may be Help you It’s important to note that the best configuration for your system will depend on several factors, including your personal preferences, the types of music you listen to, and the acoustics of your listening room. While some reviews may suggest that the 4X over sampling mode sounds best with the Grimm MU1, that might not necessarily be the case for your particular setup. Given that your Aries Cerat Kassandra doesn’t accept 174.4 kHz with AES/EBU, you could try using the 88.2 kHz, 2x over sampling rate and leaving the DAC in native resolution. This configuration may work well for you and produce excellent sound quality. You can also try using the MU1 in no oversampling mode and re-clocking the signal in the DAC to see if that provides better results. If you do decide to upgrade your DAC to one that accepts 4X oversampling, be sure to do your research and choose a model that is compatible with your other components and meets your specific needs. It’s also a good idea to listen to the new DAC before making a purchase decision, if possible, to ensure that it provides the sound quality you’re looking for. Ultimately, the best advice is to experiment with different configurations and trust your ears to guide you in finding the best sound for your system. ACE Flare