Streaming Dac $5000-8000

Hi there. 
I am after a streamer dac one piece unit  

ideally with a very natural sound, slightly warm midrange, and with good streamer app…

its for use on harbeth shl5 plus  

was thinking lumin t3.  any others to consider Like auralic Altair g2.1? Auralic Vega is a bit over budget  

moon seems to be well regarded, but they have a big gap between the 280d and 680d.   390 would be overkill as don’t need the preamp 

I like the luxman d03x cd player sound, but that doesn’t have a streamer  




@acdvd I’ve been enjoying my Lumin T3 for a few months now. I will say that the Lumin has a relaxed, yet very detailed presentation. I do not find it bright in my system at all. It did seem that it MAY have broken in a touch in the first week, with highs smoothing out, but they were never strident or bright. The T3 has a well rounded sound, but is not worlds above my previous setup, a custom CPU -> RME ADI-2. Biggest difference between the RME and the T3 is soundstage, with the Lumin being far more sonically spacious, and with zero fatigue. The Lumin app on Android is its weak point, being a bit buggy (sometimes currently playing tracks won’t update) and has an non intuitive poor interface. Once you learn the app, it is okay, but overall definitely could be improved. Overall, soundwise the Lumin is excellent and IMO has given me ~90% of the quality of my analog, sometimes beter, sometimes worse, depending on master.

You're price range is close to a pre-owned Lumin X1. Hard to beat a Lumin X1 below $10k especially if you can take advantage of the fiber connection option. The Lumin user app is also top flight. Do not settle for a DAC/Streamer that used MConnect. Worst app ever developed.

Thanks all

to give you context I use a boulder 866 with the dac streamer onboard, however it forces me to use mconnect which isn’t much fun. 

if I want roon then I need to add a nucleus or something similar. Although who knows if room gives a better sound than mconnect? A lot of the 866 owners I think are using roon though. 

I have a melco n1a mk2 server connected to two Bonn n8 switches in parallel, both connected to a dual output plixir LpS. The plixir is incredibly good at what it does and well worth the upgrade from the lps I had before. The melco is connected through the switch. 

It’s extremely difficult for me to know how good the boulder streamer and dac quality are, without connecting standalone units to it… which I can’t really do for no cost  

I checked in with some stores and they said I would need something like a dcs Bartok, or a moon 680d, or a t+a dac 200 (although that doesn’t have a streamer), in order to get a definite improvement over the 866 dac streamer  

I would like a slightly fuller/richer sound particularly in the midrange  

So options I thought about were 

- getting a streamer dac like recommended above

- trying the network acoustics eno and seeing what that does, it may give what I need based on forum posts and reviews 

- perhaps even getting a cd transport and connecting that to the boulder, as it would bypass the streamiing Most of what I hear is off my cds ripped to the server

- or perhaps a newer model cd player that has a streamer onboard, such as the new Ayre cx8 being released

thanks in advance