Bryston BCD-1 impressions?

Would owners of this CD player give us their impressions of its sound and performance?

Also, what they compared it with and how it stacked up against the competition?

The little press that there's been so far (a couple of paragraphs in Absolute Sound, a couple of reviews in Europe [Italy]) has been very positive, but I'm real curious to hear what Audiogoners have to say about their hands-on experiences.

I currenlty have the Rotel RCD-1072. How did this CDP compare to the Bryston BCD-1 when you listened to both?
The best description would be is that I felt like someone
pull down the blanket from my speakers,talking about difference between rotel and bryston.I also must say that I liked rotel,and that here in europe bcd 1 is about more than 3 times(300%)expensive than the rotel.So,like I said,dont think that the player only would make the whole system 3 times more better,its just one link,but if the other stuff is capable,than it will make a difference.The final choice of player in that class is matter of personal taste,and maybe even luck and patients,because I saw many people changing their components trying to catch that
'something'.In MHO I have find out that power cables and electricity in general have such impact on sound,that I still cant belleive,and that is the last step of fine tuning,very imortant.I consider myself as a music lover, not gadget freak,I used to laugh to such stories,but its true.Unfortunetly for our budgets and peace in minds,of course.
I own a bryston bcd1,but also a weiss dac2 (and a tc electronic bmc2).Connected directly without preamp to an airtight ATM2 tube amp (duntech prince's speakers).
The sound realism when using the weiss is strongly depending upon the cd transport(tascam cdr2000 gives a better association than the bcd1 used as transport ,dont know why) and upon the digital cables used,even upon the use of an external word clock(mutec).
When optimized,i cannot come back to the bcd1,cannot explain but this is a reality.My bcd1 now remains unused.
My conclusion is the jitter issues are not yet totally resolved and a part of the effects on the digital bit flow remains mysterious but real!